
Results for:  Category: Science & TechnologyAge: 13 - 18Language: English

A Brief History of Time

By Stephen Hawking

Publisher : Bantam Books

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18

Paperback, 219 pages

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The BBC Reith Lectures

Black Holes

By Stephen Hawking

Publisher : Penguin Books

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18

Paperback, 80 pages

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If Dinosaurs Were Alive Today

By Dougal Dixon

Publisher : Ticktock Entertainment

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18

Hardcover, 96 pages

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Inspiring Discoveries & Inventions


Publisher : Bpi (India) Pvt Ltd

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18


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Reignited 2

By Srijan Pal Singh

Publisher : Puffin Books

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18


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The Special and the General Theory

By Albert Einstein

Publisher : GP

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18

Paperback, 200 pages

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The Aha Guide to Newton's Laws

By Dr. Balaji Sampath

Publisher : AhaGuru Education

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18


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The Grand Design

By Stephen Hawking & Leonard Mlodinow

Publisher : Transworld

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18


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The Theory of Everything

By Stephen Hawking

Publisher : Jaico

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18

Paperback, 132 pages

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What If?

Serious Scientific Answers To Absurd Hypothetical Questions

By Randall Munroe

Publisher : Hachette

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 13 - 18

Paperback, 304 pages

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