
Results for:  Age: 8 - 11Author: Young Scientists

The Young Scientists

The Young Scientists - Level 3 Set Of 5 Books

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11

Hardcover, 290 pages

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New Age Technology

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11

Paperback, 56 pages

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Horses Sleep Standing

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11

Paperback, 56 pages

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Do Words Disappear When Written with Cuttlefish Ink?

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11

Paperback, 66 pages

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Young Scientists

Enchanting Ocean Floor

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11

Paperback, 56 pages

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The Young Scientists

Who Stepped On Me?

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11


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The Young Scientists

The Lemon

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11


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The Young Scientists

Gigantic Mammals of the Sea

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11


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Young Scientists

Changing Phases of the Moon

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11


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The Young Scientists

An Honoured Guest With a Huge Bill

By Young Scientists

Publisher : Young Scientists

Category : Science & Technology

Age group : 8 - 11


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