Big Shot

By Jeff Kinney

Reviews for: Big Shot


Greg's mom urges him to join group sports, and despite his misgivings, he follows the obligatory mom mandate and tries out for the basketball team. Of course, he makes the cut and contrary to mom's enthusiasm and positive experience, he finds himself in a less successful position. The focus is squarely on Greg and his individual contributions (or lack thereof) to his school basketball team. Sadly, Rowley, Rodrick, Manny, and the legendary Löded Diper are not present to provide their own brand of comedic interest.

As a non-sporty, athletically disinclined individual myself, I found Greg's experiences to be identical to my own. I remember not having a clue what I was doing in team sports and always getting stuck on the same team in gym class as the super competitive kids who knew every rule of the game and managed to suck all of the fun out of trying to learn and play a new sport.

Sridevi on 18 May 2022


I really did not expect he was against sports in the beginning likely that is why I think I gave it a 2 because I really like sports I can not believe that in some countries they identify if they have potential very early but I don't think sweat means you are working too much but I think he has rare talent of making a backwards triple pointer.

Yashwant on 08 May 2023