Everything's Amazing

By Liz Pichon

Reviews for: Everything's Amazing

5 This book is about Tom Gates who returns to school after the summer holidays

If you have a sweet tooth , like to give excuses for not doing your homework , like to play in a band and have a great art at doodling then you should read this book. This book is about Tom Gates who returns to school after the summer holidays . Let me introduce Tom 's friends . Tom 's friends are Derek , Amy , Norman and Solid . Tom and Derek enter Rooster Derek 's dog in a dog show. Tom celebrated his birthday in Dino Village where his dad works now . Tom gets a little embarrassed when he sees his dad wearing a silly dinosaur costume in a poster .Tom gets back to his house to open the presents which turned out to be everything he wanted . He also wears one of the shirts on which he drew with ultraviolet pens and gives the other one to Marcus who is always annoys him and it turns out to be the right one that with which he could teach Marcus about annoying him .

Henrick on 23 May 2022